Godz Lou
SEO Goddess
I am Godz, the SEO “goddess” – known as the “Ku-Te” of the team, I proudly take on the role of a self-proclaimed leader and serve as the face of Kalzada.
Despite my shy demeanor, I possess a strong will. My dream of traveling the world was put on hold when the “pan-covid” pandemic hit in 2020, forcing me to return home to the Philippines. Among the countries I have visited are Turkey, the Czech Republic, and Georgia.
Tish Torres
Soc-med Queen
Thanks for looking! I’m Tishany Torres the social media manager of the team. I’m a nurse by heart, certified fur-mom, videographer / alalay / wife🤍 of Godzlou.
We build this site to help travelers plan their destination within the Visayas region. We aim to provide an unprecedented vacation experience, budget-friendly stay-ins, delectable food choices, and a list of tips and hacks that will give you a stress-free vacation experience.
Goldess Lor
Beauty Blogger
I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, a Masters in free-spiritedness, a Ph.D. in clumsiness, and for the past year, I have been trying to keep up with all the viral skincare and makeup products so I can write blogs about them.
Changing careers at 30 is hard but not impossible! So here I am, making myself comfortable with being uncomfortable by learning and upgrading my creative skillsets.